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This site is maintained by several Knights of the Order of Saint George. We have adopted the spirit of the old Armored Forces School at Fort Knox during World War II, and their motto “We Forge the Thunderbolt”. This is a website for the use of current and former enlisted soldiers and commissioned officers of Armor (tank) units of the U.S. Army. We seek to be a full tracked tank commander friendly site and provide relevant information for him. Also, Armor related historical information is provided for your review. Much of this information from the past has been forgotten, hard to find and sometimes confusing to search for and locate. Making the process of finding this information easier is one of the goals of this website. We also seek to be the non-political site where Armor leaders can share opinions on how to re-store the armor force to the preeminence it once held and to prepare for future threats. We actively seek the view points from past and present armor professionals in the form of letters and articles. Additionally, this is a place where web links are provided for current and past tank unit and division organizations.
Master Gunners:
We have several contributors who are distinguished Tank Master Gunners. We recognize that in the current operating environment the Abrams Master Gunner has a massive responsibility. We endeavor to be a site where Master Gunners can share knowledge and best practices to help rebuild and maintain the Armor Force. Family life: We acknowledge the importance of family in the Armor community. Spouses and family members of past and present Armor soldiers may also find some things of interest on this site.
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