“We Forge the Thunderbolt

Knights of the Armor Force


(Updated 10 Jan 2014)


The following is a comprehensive list of Armor related abbreviations and acronyms. This list includes some select standard Army abbreviations and acronyms as well.


1SG first sergeant

2d Gen FLIR second generation forward-looking infrared




AA assembly area
AAC armament accuracy check

AAD antiarmor defense
AA&E arms, ammunition, and explosives

AAL additional authorization list

AAR after action review
ABCS Army battle command system

ABCT armored brigade combat team

ABF attack by fire (position)
ABOLC Armor Basic Officer Leaders Course

AC3 Captains’ Career Course (formerly known as the Armor Officers' Advanced Course)

ACADA automatic chemical agent alarm

ACE armored combat earthmover
ACR armored cavalry regiment
ACS Army Community Services

ACT Armor certification test

ADA air defense artillery
ADAM area denial munitions
ADL Ammunition Data Link

ADO air defense officer

ADP Army doctrine publication

AEGR Army embedded global positioning system receiver

AERA advanced explosive reactive armor

AER Army Emergency Relief

AFATDS advanced field artillery tactical data system

AFES automatic fire extinguisher system

AFIST Abrams full-crew interactive simulator trainer

AFV armored fighting vehicle

AFVID armored fighting vehicle identification or armed forces vehicle identification

AGS armored gun system
AGTS advanced gunnery training system

AHD anti-handling devices

AIM Abrams integrated management

AIN ammunition information notices

AIT advanced individual training

AJB armored junction box

AKO Army knowledge on-line.

A/L administrative/logistics
ALC Advanced Leaders Course (formally known as BNCOC)

ALO air liaison officer

AMG Abrams Master Gunner/Course

ammo ammunition
AMDF Army Master Data File

AMDWS air missile defense workstation

AMP advanced multi-purpose

AMSS Army Material Status System

ANAD Anniston Army Depot

ANCD automated net control device

AO area of operations

AOAP Army Oil Analysis Program

AOC area of concentration

AP armor piercing; antipersonnel
APC armored personnel carrier
APDS armor-piercing, discarding-sabot (ammunition)
APERS antipersonnel (ammunition)

APFSDS armor-piercing, fin-stabilized, discarding-sabot (ammunition)

API armor-piercing incendiary (ammunition)

API-T armor-piercing incendiary tracer (ammunition)

APS – Active Protection Systems

APS Army Pre-positioned Sets

AP-SS armor –piercing –single shot

APU auxiliary power unit

AR Army regulation; Armor i.e. 1-67AR

ARAT Abrams Reactive Armor Tile (reactive armor mounted to hull skirts)

ARFORGEN Army Force Generation

Armor U.S. Army branch known as the “Combat Arm of Decision”

ARTEP Army Training and Evaluation Program
ARV armored recovery vehicle

AS area security

ASAS All Source Analysis System

ASLT POS assault position (abbreviation on overlays)
ASOC air support operations center

ASP ammunition supply point

ASR alternate supply route

ASV Armored Security Vehicle  

AT antitank
AT 4 M136 light anti-tank weapon

ATAC  Abrams Training Assessment Course is the pre-master gunner course for active-duty Army, Marine and National Guard noncommissioned officers (NCOs) who aspire to be master gunners.

ATAS air-to-air Stinger (missile)
ATCCS Army Tactical Command and Control System 

ATGM antitank guided missile
ATHS automated target hand off system

ATK or ATK POS attack position (abbreviation on overlays)
ATTD attitude

ATWESS antitank weapon effect signature simulation

AUTO automatic

AUX auxiliary (panel nomenclature)

AUX HYDR POWER auxiliary hydraulic power (panel nomenclature)

A/V audiovisual

AVLB armored vehicle launched bridge

AVLM armored vehicle launched MICLIC

AXP ambulance exchange point (CASEVAC term)

AZ azimuth




BARO barometric/barometer

BARO PRESS barometer pressure (panel nomenclature)

BAS battalion aid station (CASEVAC term)

BOLC Basic Officer Leader Course (formally known as Armor Officer Basic Course)

BATTLE SGT battlesight (panel nomenclature)

BB bunker buster

BCT brigade combat team; basic combat training

BCIS battlefield combat identification system
BCS3 Battle Command Sustainment Support System

BDA battle damage assessment

BDAR battle damage assessment and repair

bde brigade
BFA blank firing adapter

BFACS Battlefield Functional Area Control System

BFV Bradley (infantry) fighting vehicle
BFT blue force tracker

B/H black/ hot

BHL battle handover line
BICU biocular image control unit

BII basic issue items
BIIL basic issue item list

BIOC biocular or bi-ocular (using both eyes)

BIT built-in test
BMD Boyevaya Machina Desantnaya, Soviet/Russian built air droppable APC and fire support tracked vehicle

BML By-Product Material License

BMNT beginning of morning nautical twilight
BMO battalion maintenance officer

BMP Boyevaya Mashina Pekhty, Soviet/Russian built tracked infantry fighting vehicle

BMPT Boyevaya Mashina Podderzhki Tankov, Russian built Tank Support Fighting Vehicle

bn battalion
BNCOC Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course

BO blackout

BOS battlefield operating system
BOT burst on target

BP battle position
BRDM Boyevaya Razvedyvatelnaya Dozornaya Mashina- Soviet/Russian built light armored scout/recon vehicle

BRMS Battlefield Reference Marking System

BRE bustle rack extension

BRT brigade reconnaissance team

BS boresight

BSA brigade support area

BSFV Bradley Stinger (missile) fighting vehicle

BSS ballistic solution software

BTR Bronetransporter- Soviet/Russian built light armored wheeled vehicle

BUA built-up area




C centigrade

C2 command and control

C2V command and control vehicle

C3 command, control and communications

C4 composition 4 (plastic explosive)

C2I command, control and intelligence

C-AGTS Computerized Advanced Gunnery Training System

CA civil affairs

CAB Combat Armor Badge; combined arms battalion

CACTF – Combined Arms Collective Training Facility

cal caliber
CALFEX combined arms live-fire exercise

CALL Center for Army Lessons Learned

CAM chemical agent monitor
CANA convulsive antidote nerve agent

CAN canister 120 mm anti-personnel ammunition M1028

cant: the tilt of the gun trunnion axis

CAP commander’s alert panel

CAPEX capabilities exercise (usually live fire), meant to exhibit the capabilities and assets of the unit(s).

CAR Central Army Registry

CARC chemical agent resistant coating

CATS combined arms training strategy

CATT Combined Arms Tactical Trainer

CAS close air support
CASEVAC casualty evacuation

CAUGEX combined arms urban gunnery exercise

CB circuit breaker

CBASK chemical and biological agent sampling kit

CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear

CBRNWRS CBRN warning report

cbt combat
CBU cluster bomb unit

CCF computer correction factor
CCHA commander’s control handle assembly

CCP computer control panel; casualty collection point (CASEVAC term)

CCTT Close Combat Tactical Trainer

CCTT-RVS Close Combat Tactical Trainer Reconfigurable Vehicle Simulator

CDE chemical defense equipment

CDLICC crew search, detection, location, identification, classification, and confirmation

CDM chemical downwind message

cdr commander
CD/TDTD Controller Device/Training Data Transfer Device (MILES 2000)

CDU commander’s display unit

CE chemical energy (class of ammunition which employs a shaped charge includes HEAT and HESH rounds).

CEEP Continuous Electronics Enhancement Program (digital enhancement package for the Abrams)

CEOI Communications electronics operating instruction

CEU computer electronics unit

CEV combat engineer vehicle
CF correlation factor

CFF call for fire

CFFT Call For Fire Trainer

CFL coordination fire line

CFV cavalry fighting vehicle
cGy centigray(s)

cGy/hr centigray(s) per hour
CGS common ground station

chem chemical
CHS commander’s handstation

CI counterinsurgency; counter intelligence

CIC command information center

CID combat identification; commander’s integrated display or Criminal Investigative Division (U.S.)

CIED Counter Improvised Explosive Device

CIF central issue facility

CIIC controlled inventory item code

CINC commander in chief

CIP combat identification panel

CIS Commonwealth of Independent States (former Soviet Union states) nations allied with Russia

CITV commander's independent thermal viewer
CITV GLOS commander's independent thermal viewer  gunner’s line of sight (panel nomenclature)

CIV commander’s independent viewer

CK cyanogens chloride

CLAMMS or CLAMS cleared lane mechanical marking system
CLFX convoy live fire exercise

CLP cleaner, lubricant, preservative

CLR clear (keypad)

CLS combat life saver

CLS-C Combat Life Saver Course

cm centimeter(s); control-monitor
CMF career Management field

cmd command
CMETL core mission-essential task list (brigade level and above)

CMH US Army Center for Military History
cml chemical
CMO civil-military operations

CMP communications message processor

CNTRL control

COMSEC communications security

CO commanding officer
co company
COA course of action, Chief of Armor

Coax coaxially-mounted machine gun

co tm; co/tm company team
coax coaxially mounted (machine gun)
COE contemporary operating environment

COEFOR contemporary operating environment force

COFT conduct of fire trainer

COLT combat observation lasing team
COMINT communications intelligence

COMSEC communications security

CONUSA the number of armies in the continental United States

COP combat outpost

COS center of sector

CP command post; checkpoint (graphics only)

CPL corporal

CPP convoy protection platforms

CPX command post exercise

CRM composite risk management

CROWS Common Remotely Operated Weapon System

CRT combat repair team

CS combat support; chlorobenzaimalononitrile (riot control agent)
CSAMM Counter-Sniper/Anti-material Mount

CSE commander’s sight extension

CSM command sergeant major

CSS combat service support

CSSCS Combat Service Support Control System
CTA common table of allowances

CTC combat training center

CTCP combat trains command post
CTD commander’s tactical display

CTIL commander’s track item list

CTP common tactical picture

CTT common task training

CVC combat vehicle crewman
CWS commander's weapon station

COP – common operational picture

CTC – combat training center

CUOPS – current operations




DA Department of the Army

DA Form Department of the Army Form

DA Pam Department of the Army Pamphlet
DAHA dual-axis head assembly

DAP decontamination apparatus, potable
DAR during action review

DATE decisive-action training environment

DC direct current

DCT digital control transformer

DCIMS dismounted soldier combat identification marking system

DCS digital compass system

DCT digital control transformer

DD Department of Defense
DD Form Department of Defense Form

DECU digital electronics control unit

DED detailed equipment decontamination

DEERS Defense Eligibility and Enrollment Reporting System

def deflection

DES Distribution Execution System

DEU digital electronics unit

DEW directed energy weapon

DHI drivers hatch interlock

DID driver’s integrated display

DIDEA detect, identify, decide, engage, and assess

DIME delayed, immediate, minimal, and expectant (CASEVAC triage term)

DIU digital interface unit

DIVID division identification

DLC deadline code

DMETL directed mission-essential task list (brigade level and above)

DMP driver’s master panel

DMPRC digital multipurpose range complex

DNBI disease and non-battle injuries

DOA direction of attack (abbreviation on overlays)
DOD Department of Defense

DODAC Department of Defense Identification Code

DOW died of wounds

DP decision point
DPCU Data Processing Control Unit (MILES 2000 same as IWSC)

DPICM dual-purpose improved conventional munitions
DPRE displaced persons, refugee, and evacuee

DEROS date estimated to return from overseas (individual soldier data)

DRMO Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office

dry-fire: The simulation of engagement without expenditure of ammunition

DS2 decontaminating solution No.2

DS direct support
DSM decision support matrix

DS/R direct support/reinforcing
DSO domestic support operations

DST decision support template

DTD detailed troop decontamination

DTDCD-E Directorate of training, doctrine, Combat, Development, and Experimentation

DTG date-time group
DTV driver's thermal viewer
DTR Defense Transportation Regulation

DU display unit; depleted uranium

DULLRAM depleted uranium/low level radioactive material

DVE driver’s vision enhancer or enhancement (part of the SEP kit)

dvr driver

DVO direct view optics




e.g. exempli gratia which is Latin: for example

EA engagement area
EAAK enhanced appliqué armor kit

EAC echelons above corps

EAPU external auxiliary power unit (same as APU)

EBC embedded battle command

ECC evacuation control center

ECCM electronic counter-countermeasures

ECM electronic countermeasures

ECOA enemy/threat’s course of action

EDRE emergency deployment readiness exercise

EEFI essential elements of friendly information

EENT end of evening nautical twilight
EFC equivalent full charge

EFMP Exceptional Family Member Program

EFP explosively formed penetrator/projectile

EIA Excellence in Armor (program)

EL elevation

ELF eye-safe laser filter (reduces power of the laser beam to change it from conditionally eye safe to totally eye safe)

ELINT electronic intelligence

ELRF eye-safe laser range finder

EL UNCPL elevation uncouple

EMP electromagnetic pulse

en enemy (graphic overlay abbreviation)
Ensitemp – enemy situational template

EO equal opportunity

EOA equal opportunity advisor

EOC Emergency Operations Center

EOD explosive ordnance disposal

EOH equipment on hand

EOR Equal Opportunity Representative

EPLRS Enhanced Position Locating and Reporting System
EPW enemy prisoner of war
ERA explosive reactive armor

ERB enlisted record brief

ESM electronic warfare support measure

EST engagement skills trainer

ESTAT equipment status (report)

etc. et cetera (and so forth)

EU electronics unit

EW electronic warfare

EXCON exercise control




F Fahrenheit

FA field artillery
FAAD forward area air defense
FAC forward air controller
FAD force activity designator

FAPDS frangible armor-piercing discarding sabot (ammunition)

FARP forward arming and refueling point; forward arming replenishment package

FAS forward aid station (CASEVAC term)

FASCAM family of scatterable mines
FBCB2 Force XXI battle command brigade and below (system)

FCEU fire control electronic unit

FCS fire control system; future combat system

FD firing device

FDC fire direction center
FEBA forward edge of the battle area
FEN friend, enemy, neutral

FFCC full function crew station

FFE fire for effect (call for fire term)

FFI full frontal impact

FFIR friendly forces information requirements

FHA foreign humanitarian assistance

FH frequency hopping

FH/M frequency hopping/master

FIPR flash immediate priority routine

FIST fire support team
FIST-V fire support team vehicle
FIT fault isolation test
FLA forward logistic area

FLIR forward looking, infrared

FKSM Fort Knox Supplemental Material
FLIR forward-looking infrared

FLOT forward line of own troops
FLTR filter (panel nomenclature)

FM frequency modulation (radio); field manual
FMC fully mission capable

FMFM Fleet Marine Field Manual
FO forward observer
FOB forward operating base

FOM figure of merit (FBCB2 control panel)

FOV field of view

FPF final protective fires
FPL final protective fire line

fps feet per second

FRAGO fragmentary order
FRH fire-resistant hydraulic (fluid)

FS fire support
FSB forward support battalion

FSC forward support company

FSCL fire support coordination line
FSCM fire support control measure

FSE fire support element
FSMC forward support medical company (CASEVAC term)

FSO fire support officer
FSOP field standing operating procedure

FT firing table: ft foot; feet

FTX field training exercise




G2 assistant chief of staff (intelligence)

G3 assistant chief of staff (operations)

G4 assistant chief of staff (logistics)

GAA grease, automotive and artillery

gal gallon(s)
gal/hr gallons per hour
GAS gunner’s auxiliary sight

GCCS-A Global Command and Control System - Army

GCDP gunner’s control and display panel

GCH gunner’s control handle

GDLS General Dynamics lands Systems

GEMSS ground-emplaced mine scattering system
GHz gigahertz
GI government issue

GIRS grid index reference system
GLOS gun line-of-sight

GMT Greenwich Mean Time

gnr gunner

GPCH gunner’s power control handle

GPS gunner's primary sight; global positioning system
GPSE gunner's primary sight extension

GRC graduated response card; gyroscope rotating compensation

GRREG graves registration

GS general support

GSR ground surveillance radar

GSTL ground sensor team leader

GT gunnery table or GT(s) gunnery table(s)

GTA graphic training aid

GTA Grafenwoehr Training Area

GTD gun/turret drive

G/VLLD ground/vehicular laser locator designator




H blister agent (mustard)

HAB heavy assault bridge

HAGA heavy armored ground ambulance

Havoc Mi-28 (havoc is a NATO reporting term) Soviet/Russian attack helicopter.

HB heavy barrel

HBCT Heavy Brigade Combat Team

HDD hard disk drive

HE high explosive

HE-OR-T high explosive obstacle-reducing with tracer

HHC headquarters and headquarters company

H hour (used for timeline designation)
HC hexachloroethane (smoke)
HD blister agent (distilled mustard)

HE high explosive
HEAT high explosive antitank (ammunition)
HEAT-MP-T high explosive antitank-multipurpose tracer (ammunition)

HEAT-TPT high explosive antitank -target practice tracer (ammunition)

HEI high explosive incendiary (ammunition)

HEI-T high explosive incendiary with tracer (ammunition)

HEP high explosive plastic (ammunition)
HEP-T high explosive plastic with tracer (ammunition)

HEU hull electronics unit

HEMMS hand-emplaced minefield marking set

HEMTT heavy expanded mobility tactical truck

HESH high explosive squash head

HET heavy equipment transporter

HHC headquarters and headquarters company
Hind Mi-24 (hind is a NATO reporting term) Soviet/Russian attack helicopter with transport capabilities, Russian pilots nick-named it letayushchiy tank, “flying tank”.

HMMWV high-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle
HN host nation

HMPU hull mission processing device

Hokum Ka-50 Russian co-axial rotor attack helicopter

hp horsepower
HPDU hull power distribution unit

HQ headquarters
hr hour(s)

HRP high risk personnel

H/T hull/turret

HTPS hull/turret position sensor

HUMINT human intelligence

HVAP-T hypervelocity armor-piercing tracer (ammunition)

HVCC high velocity canister cartridge

HVT high value target

HWAS hazardous-waste accumulation site




i.e. that is; such as

IAW in accordance with
IBA interceptor body armor

IBCT Infantry Brigade Combat Team

IC3 integrated communications command and control

ICM improved conventional munitions
ICU image control unit

ICWS improved commander’s weapon station

ID identification
IDA improved dog bone assembly

IED improvised explosive device

IFFN identification, friend, foe, or neutral
IFLIR – Improved Forward-Looking

IFOR International Forces

IFV infantry fighting vehicle Infrared

in inch(es)
INC internet controller

inf infantry
info information
INFOSEC information security

Intel intelligence

IO instructor/operator (COFT/AGTS)

IOS instructor/operator station

IOTV improved outer tactical vest

IP improved

IPB intelligence preparation of the battlefield
IPD issue priority designator

IR infrared; intelligence requirements
I/R internment/ resettlement (U.S. DOD)

I-REMBASS Improved Remotely Monitored Battlefield Sensor System

IS instructor station

ISR intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance

ITS Independent Target System (MILES 2000)

IVIS intervehicular information system

IV line inter-visibility line

IVL inter-visibility line

IWS Individual Weapons System (MILES 2000 Torso Harness)

IWSC Individual Weapons System Control Unit (MILES 2000)

IZLID infrared zoom laser illuminator designator




JAAT joint air attack team

JCATS Joint Conflict and Tactical Situation

JCIMS Joint Coalition Identification Marking System

JEWC Joint Electronic Warfare Center

JINTACCS Joint Interoperability of Tactical Command

JMRC Joint Multinational Readiness Center

JMSC Joint Multinational Simulation Center

JMTC Joint Multinational Training Command

JOAC Joint Operational Access Concept

JP joint publication

JP4 jet propulsion fuel, type 4

JP8 jet propulsion fuel, type 8

JSS joint security station

JTF joint task force

JVMF joint variable message format




Ka-50 (see Hokum)

KAF Knights of the Armor Force (.com)

KE kinetic energy (ammunition) includes AP, APFSDS-T and HVAP-T

KFOR Kosovo Force

KIA killed in action
km kilometer(s)

kmph kilometer(s) per hour

KU keyboard unit





LAW lubricant, artic weather; light antitank weapon

LAV light armored vehicle

lb pound(s)
LBE load-bearing equipment
LBV load bearing vest

LCE load carrying equipment

LCSS lightweight camouflage screen system

LD line of departure
LD/LC line of departure/line of contact

ldr leader
LDS lightweight decontaminating system

LE low explosive

LED light emitting diode

LFAST live-fire accuracy screening test

LFX live fire exercise

LIF light interference filter

LIN line item number

LLR low level radioactive

LNO liaison officer

LO lubrication order; liaison officer
LOA limit of advance
LOGPAC logistics package

LOGSTAT logistics status
LOI letter of instruction

LOM line of movement
LOS line of sight

LOSAT line of sight anti-tank (system)

LP low profile

LP listening post

LP/OP listening post/ observation post

LRA local reproduction authority

LRBSDS Long range Biological stand-Off Detection System

LRF laser range finder
LRP logistic release point
LRPO local radiation protection officer

LRU line replaceable unit

LSA lubrication oil, semi-fluid, automatic weapons

LT lieutenant
LTA local training area

LTC lieutenant colonel
LTG lieutenant general

LTID laser target interface device

LVC live, virtual and constructive

LVC-G live, virtual, constructive and gaming

LVC-IA live, virtual, constructive integrating architecture

LWRS laser warning system

LZ landing zone




M-SLC Maneuver Senor Leader Course (formally known as ANCOC)

M 136 (AT 4) light anti –tank weapon

m meter(s)
MACOM major command
MACP mortuary affairs collection point (CASEVAC term)

MAGTS Mobile Advanced Gunnery Training System

MANPADS man-portable air defense system
MAL malfunction advisory

MAPEX map exercise

MAM maintenance advisory messages

MAN manual

MARS MILES After-Action Review System (MILES 2000)

MAS main aid station (CASEVAC term)

max maximum
Max Ord: maximum ordinate (the highest point that a projectile reaches in its flight from the gun to the target.)

MBA main battle area
MBD muzzle boresight device

MBT main battle tank

MBT-3000 advanced Chinese Main Battle Tank (first appeared in 2012), Offered for export under the designation VT4.

MCD missile countermeasure device
MCOE Maneuver Center of Excellence (located at Ft. Benning Ga.)

MCOFT Mobile Conduct of Fire Trainer

MCOO modified combined obstacle overlay

MCP mission capability power

MCS Maneuver Control System

MCS mission-command system

MD military deception

MDL mission date load

MDMP military decision making process

mech mechanized
MEDEVAC medical evacuation
METL mission-essential task list (used below brigade level)
METRL DATA meteorological data (computer control panel nomenclature)

METT-T mission, enemy, terrain (and weather), troops, time available (older acronym for factors in situational analysis, it is still found in some publications)
METT-TC mission, enemy, terrain (and weather), troops, time available and civilian considerations (factors in situational analysis)
MG Master Gunner; machine gun

MGS mobile gun system

MGRS military grid reference system

Mhz megahertz

Mi-24 (see Hind)

Mi-28 (see Havoc)

MI military intelligence

MIA missing in action

MICAD multi-purpose integrated chemical agent detector

MICLIC mine-clearing line charge
MIJI meaconing, intrusion, jamming, and interference

MILES multiple integrated laser engagement system

MILSATCOM military satellite communications

Min minute

MITS moving infantry targets (range targetry)

MiTT military training team (also MTT)

MLC military load class

mm millimeter(s)
MMS mast mounted sight
MMU memory mass unit

MOGAS motor gasoline

MOLLE modular lightweight load-carrying equipment

MOPP mission-oriented protective posture
MOOTW military operations other than war

MOS military occupational specialty

MOSC military occupational specialty code

MP military police

MPL minimum proficiency level

MPAT multipurpose antitank (ammunition)
MPAT-OR multipurpose antitank obstacle reducing (ammunition)

MPAT-TP-T multipurpose antitank-target practice with tracer (ammunition)

MPCOA most probable course of action

mph mile(s) per hour
MPI mean point of impact

MPRC multipurpose range complex

MRAP mine resistant ambush protected

MRCB mine roller control box

MRE meals, ready to eat
mr/hr milliroentgens per hour

MRS muzzle reference sensor
m/s meters per second

MSG master sergeant

MSR main supply route

MTF medical treatment facility (CASEVAC term)

MTID MILES Target Interface Device (MILES 2000)

MT-LB mnogotselevoy tyagach lekhko bronirovannyi, Soviet/Russian built mult-role tracked vehicle

MTP mission training plan

MTT military training team; mobile training team

MUSE Multiple Unified Simulation


MWD military working dog

MWO maintenance work order; modification work order

MWTS medium weapon thermal sight




NA or N/A not applicable

NAAK nerve agent auto injector kit
NAI named area of interest

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NAV navigation (FBCB2 display push button)

NAVAID navigational aids

NBC nuclear, biological, and chemical. This term is largely replaced by the acronym CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (but still may appear in many publications).

NBCWRS NBC warning and reporting system
NCO noncommissioned officer
NCODP Noncommissioned Officer Development Program

NCOER Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Reporting System

NCOES Noncommissioned Officer Education System

NCOIC noncommissioned officer in charge
NCS net control station
neg negative
NEO noncombatant evacuation operations
NET new equipment training
NFM north finding module

NFMC not fully mission capable

NFOV narrow field of view

NGO non governmental organization

NiC nickel cadmium

NICP National Inventory Control Point

NIN national identification number

NIIN nation item identification number

NLT not later than
NMC non-mission capable

NOD night observation device

NOHD nominal ocular hazard distance

NSN national stock number

NTC National Training Center

NVG night vision goggles

NVS night vision sight or system




OAKOC observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key terrain, obstacles, and cover and concealment

oblique: at a 45degree angle

obj objective

OCOA Office of the Chief of Armor
OCONUS outside continental United States

ODS Operation Desert Storm

OE operational environment

OIF Operation Iraqi Freedom

OR obstacle reducing (ammunition)

OEF Operation Enduring Freedom

OEG operational exposure guidance
OER officer evaluation report

OIC officer in charge
OOTW operations other than war
OP observation post
OPCODE operation code

OPCON operational control
OPFOR opposing forces

OPLAN operation plan
OPORD operation order
OPSEC operations security

OPSECREP operations security activities report
OPTEMPO operations tempo

OR obstacle-reducing (MPAT-OR)

ORP objective rally point

OSUT one station unit training

OT observer-target; OT factor

OTV outer tactical vest

OVM on-vehicle material




P-38 a tiny collapsible can opener

PAC Personnel and Administration Center

PARR platoon after action report

Pam pamphlet

PAO public affairs office(r)

PATRIOT Phased Array Tracking Intercept of Target (ground to air missle)

PC personnel carrier

PCC precombat check

PCI precombat inspection
PCKT packet (data mode – SINCGARS radio)

PCU power control unit

PD point detonating

PDDA power-driven decontamination apparatus

PDDE power-driven decontamination equipment  

PEWS platoon early warning system
PERSCOM Personnel Command

PGM precision guided missile/munition

PGT platoon gunnery trainer

PH probability of hit

PHOTINT photo intelligence

PIBD point initiating, base detonating

PIR priority intelligence requirements
PJS pulse jet air system (air filter self-cleaning system, part of the SEP V1 kit)

PK probability of kill

PL phase line; platoon leader
PLD probable line of contact

PLGR precision lightweight GPS receiver

PLGS precision lightweight GPS system

PLL prescribed load list
plt platoon
plt ldr platoon leader
PMCS preventive maintenance checks and services
PMI preliminary marksmanship instruction

POA power of attorney

POC point of contact

POE point of embarkation

POI program of instruction; point of injury (CASEVAC term)

POL petroleum, oils, and lubricants
POSN position

POSNAV position navigation (system)
PP passage point (abbreviation on overlays)
PRESS pressure

PRW power

PSC personnel service company

PSG platoon sergeant
psi pound(s) per square inch

P-SRTA plastic short range training ammunition (caliber .50 ammo primarily used w/CSAMM)

PSYOP psychological operations

PT-76 Plavayushchiy Tank -76 (floating tank), Soviet/Russian built

PTT push to talk

PU processor unit

PVO private volunteer organization

PVS passive-vision system




QCB quick change barrel

QDR quality deficiency report

QRF quick reaction force

QSTAG Quadripartite standardization Agreement (between U.S., UK, Canada, and Australia)

QTB quarterly training brief




R&S reconnaissance and surveillance

RAAM remote antiarmor mine
RACO rear area combat operations

rad radiation absorbed dose
RALS right add, left subtract (known as the “RALS rule”, used in indirect fire adjustments)

RAGTS Relocatable Advanced Gunnery Training System

RBF reconnaissance by fire

RC Reserve Component

rd round
RDC rear detachment commander

RDL Reimer Digital Library

recon reconnaissance
REDCON readiness condition
ref pt reference point
REMBASS Remotely Monitored Battlefield Sensor System

REMS remotely employed sensors

RES radiation exposure status

retrans retransmission
RFA restrictive fire area

RFD radio frequency direction

RFI Rapid Fielding Initiative (additional issue of up-to-date combat equipment items)

RFL restrictive fire line

RHDDC removable hard disk drive cartridge

RH&TNB revised hull and turret networks boxes

RIU radio interface unit

RKG Ruchnaya Kumulyativnaya Granata high explosive antitank handheld grenade.

RMC removable memory cartridge

ROC-V recognition of combat vehicles

ROE rules of engagement
ROI rules of interaction

ROM refuel on the move; route of march
RP release point; red phosphorus
RPG rocket-propelled grenade

rpm revolution per minute

RPV remotely piloted vehicle
rte route
RS radio set

RSID radio set identification

RSM remote switching module

RTO radio transmission operator; radiotelephone operator  

RTP radiotelephone procedure

RTU rotational training unit




S1 Personnel Actions officer
S2 security/intelligence officer 
S3 operations and training officer 
S4 logistics (supply) officer 
S5 civil affairs officer

S6 signal officer 

SA situational awareness (example M1A1-SA)

SALTT size, activity, location, type of resource, and time frame (format for report of enemy information)
SALUTE size, activity, location, unit identification, time, and equipment (format for report of enemy information)
SAPI small arms protective inserts

SAR safety assessment report

SASO support and stability operations

SAT Small Arms Transmitter (MILES 2000)

SAW squad automatic weapon
SAWE simulated area weapon effect

SB supply bulletin

SBCT Stryker Brigade Combat Team

SBF support by fire (position)
SC single channel

SCF sight correction factor (applied to the GAS)

sct scout
SDAD surface danger area diagram

SDBY stand by

SDS (M100) sorbent decontamination system

SDZ surface danger zone

sec section; second(s) (illustration text)
SEP or SEP V1 system enhancement package (for the Abrams)

SF Standard Form

SFOR stabilization force

SGC special gunnery checks

SHORAD short-range air defense
SHTR shutter (panel nomenclature)

SIDPERS Standard Installation/Division Personnel System

SIMNET-T simulations network trainer

SIMPLE Simulation-C4/Interchange Module for Plans, Logistics and Exercises

SINCGARS single channel ground/airborne radio system
SINCGARS ASIP single channel ground/airborne radio system advanced system improvement program

SIO senior instructor/operator (COFT/AGTS)

SIR serious incident report

SIT stationary infantry target(s) (range targetry)

SITMAP situation map

SITREP situation report

SL skill level

SM soldier’s manual

SMCT soldier’s manual of common tasks

SME subject matter expert

SLAP-T saboted light armor penetrating with tracer (caliber.50 M908 cartridge).

SOFA status or forces agreement

SOI signal operation instructions (replaced the CEOI).
SOP standing operating procedure
SOR specified orders and requests

SOSRA suppression, obscuration, secure far side, reduction and assault through the obstacle (actions executed during breaching operations)
SP start point
SPOTREP spot report
SRTA short range training ammunition (caliber .50, used w/CSAMM)

SSG staff sergeant
ST special text; screening test (target)

STAFF smart target activated fire and forget (ammunition)
STANAG standardization agreement (international)
STATREP status report

STB super tropical bleach

STBY standby (panel nomenclature)

STP soldier’s training publication

STRAC Standards in Training Commission

STRIKEWARN strike warning

STX situational training exercise

Subdes: computer subdesignation (for different types of ammunition).

SUBSY subsystem

SVML Stinger vehicle-mounted launcher




T- letter placed before the numeric designation of Russian/Soviet tanks, example: T-90; (Russian spelling is танк).

T&EO training and evaluation outline

TA-1/ TA-312 field telephones

TAC brigade tactical command post

TACSOP/TSOP tactical standing operating procedure

TACCP tactical command post
TADSS training aids, devices, simulators and simulations

 tac idle tactical idle (speed)
TACFIRE tactical fire direction system
TACP tactical command post

TAMMS The Army Maintenance Management System

TASC Training Activity Support Center

TB technical bulletin

TBC tactical battle command

TBD to be developed

TC tank commander
TCCT Tank Commander Certification Test

TCE tank crew evaluator

TCGST Tank Crew Gunnery Skills Test

TCN Third Country National: A citizen of a neutral country who is in the theater of operations as a contractor.

TCP tank commander’s panel; traffic control post/point
TCPC Tank Crew Proficiency Course

TDA table of distribution and allowance

TDCD-E Training, Doctrine, and Combat Development-Experimentation

TEK traffic encryption key

TEMP temperature

TEU turret electronics unit

TEWT tactical exercise without troops
TF task force
TFOM time figure of merit

TG trainer’s guide

ThF4 thorium fluoride

TIP tank/infantry phone; thermal identification panel

TIRS terrain index reference system
TIS thermal imaging system
TLP troop-leading procedures

TM  technical manual; team

TMPU turret mission processor(ing) unit

TNB turret networks box

TNT trinitrotoluene (explosive)
TOC tactical operations center
TOE or TO&E table(s) of organization and equipment
TOW tube-launched, optically tracked, wire-guided (missile)
TP target practice

TPMP-T target practice, multipurpose-tracer

TP-T target practice, tracer

TRADOC US Army Training and Doctrine Command
TRP target reference point
trp troop
TRU thermal receiver unit

TSB Training Support Brigade

TSC training support center

TSV thru-sight video

TT turret type (refers to the Cal .50, M2 heavy barrel TT machine gun); tank table

TTP tactics, techniques, and procedures
TTR touch temperature reduction (system)

TTS tank thermal sight

TUAV tactical unmanned aerial vehicle

TUSK Tank Urban Survivability System

TVT television tape

T-Wall prefabricated T-shaped cement wall sections (T-blocks) set up side to side to build a defense wall.

TWS thermal weapon sight




UAAPU under armor auxiliary power unit

UAS unmanned aircraft system

UAV unmanned aerial vehicle
UBL unit basic load

UCOFT Unit Conduct of Fire Trainer

UIC unit identification code

ULLS unit level logistics system

UMCP unit maintenance collection point
UN United Nations
UO urban operations

URO user readout (EPLRS radio)

USAARMS United States Army Armor School

USAREUR U.S. Army Europe

UTCP upgraded tank commander’s panel

UTO unit task organization

UXO unexploded ordnance




V volt

VBIED vehicle borne improvised explosive device

VBS Virtual Battlespace (simulator)

VCCT Virtual Combat Convoy Trainer

VCEEP Vehicle crew Evaluator Exportable Package

VCOT Virtual Convoy Operations Trainer

vdc volts direct current

VEESS vehicle engine exhaust smoke system
veh vehicle
VIC vehicle internal communications

VIP very important person

VISMOD visual modification sets

vs. versus

VT variable-timed

VT4 see MBT-3000

VX chemical nerve agent (persistent)




W/H white/hot

WARNO warning order

WD-1 communications wire

WfF warfighting function

WFOV wide field of view

WIA wounded in action
WLC Warrior Leaders Course

WMD weapon of mass destruction

WO warning order
WP white phosphorus

WTC Warrior Training Center




X power (magnification)

XCTC exportable combat training center

XO executive officer




ZSU Zenitnaya Samokhodnaya Ustanovka - Soviet/Russian self propelled anti-aircraft (tracked) vehicle