The Excellence in Armor Program  
The Excellence in Armor (EIA) Program was developed by the Office of the Chief of Armor to identify outstanding CMF 19 soldiers whose performance demonstrates superb leadership potential. EIA is both an active and reserve component program. Unfortunately In recent years the program has been underutilized along with other critical Armor training. This is due to a lack of command emphasis on Armor core competences and operation requirements that have drawn CMF 19 soldiers into duties other than that of their jobs. Knights of the Armor Force is seeking to inspire Armor leaders to revive the program. It can be one instrument in the reestablishment of esprit de corps in the Armor community.
The program goals for the EIA Program are to Identify and develop bright, highly motivated Armor and Cavalry soldiers whose performance is consistently outstanding among their peers. Another goal of the program is to encourage and facilitate the career progression and growth of the armor noncommissioned officer corps. An additional objective is to provide incentives which will lead to retention of high quality NCOs.
Armor leaders at the platoon level will need to lead any efforts in the co/troop to re-generate the EIA program. Your EIA plan will also need to be presented to the battalion/squadron commander. Nothing will happen until your battalion/squadron commander is “on board” and sees the value to the unit and the Armor Force as a whole.
How to re-generate EIA the program in your unit to:
Once you have the program information you will then need to approach your company/troop 1SG and Commander to try and re-generate command interest the program.

“We Forge the Thunderbolt