Introduction: Today’s Armor NCO is stretched to the max in the contemporary operating environment. Making time to counsel and write an accurate NCOER can be a challenging task. But, raters must consider how much their words affect the careers of their NCOs. This is especially true for your staff sergeants; this is because the E7 board will use NCOERs to paint a picture of the NCO’s performance over a period of years and duty assignments. Regardless of the NCO’s rank, it is your duty to review each bullet to make sure it accurately and completely describes the performance of the NCO you are rating. When writing an NCOER a good rule of thumb is the old but still valid statement mentioned many times in Armor NCOES courses taught at Fort Knox: “an Armor NCO does not lie, cheat or steal.” So, don’t lie about your NCO’s performance, don’t cheat him by not counseling him, and don’t steal his promotion potential by being lazy and not giving him an evaluation worthy of his performance.

Section Disclaimer: This section is for educational, review and comparison purposes only. The material should not be directly copied and used on any NCOER or any other official documents (also see the web site declaimer).

Armor NCOER and NCO Counseling


“We Forge the Thunderbolt