Order of Saint George

Knighting Ceremony Order and Script

1. Narrator: Candidate(s) for knighthood come forward (candidates move to position and remain at attention).
2. Presenter: Once the candidate(s) are in position, the Presenter enters the room where the ceremony is to take place. The Presenter is flanked to his right by an aide and moves to the front of the room in front of the Recipient(s).

3. Narrator: Would all soldiers who have previously been awarded the Order of Saint George please come forward. (All holders of the Order of Saint George form a semicircle behind the presenter). Note: the size of the venue may require that the previous OSG be positioned to the right or left of the candidates so that the audience can see the proceedings.

4. Narrator: This (these) warrior(s) have been called forward to receive Knighthood in the Honorable Order of Saint George.

George was born around 280 AD. His father was from Greece and his was mother from Palestine. He became a famous knight of heavy cavalry and a commander of troops; he was famed in battle and highly honored for his courage. When he learned that Emperor Diocletian was preparing to persecute local Christians, he confronted the Emperor about it. He was placed in prison and when he failed to renounce his confession of faith as a Christian, he was tortured. He endured the torture with great bravery. His bravery guided many to the knowledge of the truth of faith in Christ, including Queen Alexandra, wife of the Emperor. George was finally beheaded and subsequently granted sainthood by the Christian Church.

In the 12 century the story of Saint George slaying a dragon that had been terrorizing a town was added to the legend. This heroic image of Saint George defeating the dragon symbolizes the gallantry and righteous bravery of mounted warriors and the ultimate victory of good over evil. Throughout history, warriors of many nations have related accounts of Saint George appearing on battlefields to help the righteous achieve victory. Saint George is unique among all of the saints in that he is the only one portrayed as fighting mounted. His name has been linked to famous battles, military orders, and cavalry forces around the world. In 1986, the United States Cavalry & Armor Association established the Honorable Order of Saint George to recognize the very best tankers and cavalrymen among its members.

5. Narrator: To all here present, know that   soldier’s rank and name   having been recognized for long and honorable service to Armor (or Cavalry) has been recommended for admission as a Distinguished Knight in the Order of Saint George.

6. Narrator: soldier’s rank and name , kneel and receive your knighthood. (Recipient kneels on his left knee facing the presenter and slightly bows his head).

7. The Presenter:  Once the awardee is in position, the Aide gives the medallion to the Presenter. The Presenter places the ribbon of the medallion around his neck. The Presenter then draws his saber and touches the flat edge of the saber blade first to the right, then to the left shoulder of the Recipient (this is called dubbing) and recites the following:  I do hereby knight thee into the Honorable Order of Saint George.

8. Presenter: replaces his sabre in the scabbard.

9. Presenter: announces “Arise Knight”

10. Recipient: stands returns to the position of attention. 

11. The Aide: hands the Order of Saint George Certificate to the Presenter. The Presenter receives the certificate (in his left hand) crosses his arms and presents the certificate and shakes the recipient’s hand simultaneously.

12. Recipient: renders a salute.

13. Presenter: returns the salute.

Note: If there is more than one recipient the Presenter moves to the next Recipient and repeats the process. 

14. Narrator: This concludes the ceremony. Please honor the new Knight(s) with your applause.

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