Suggested Reading List
The well rounded Armor soldier must be knowledgeable across many disciplines such as: The History of Armor and early Armor leaders, tank gunnery, Armor tactics and employment, leadership, and armored fighting vehicle identification. This breadth of knowledge is usually gathered gradually over time. The best foundation is a solid education and a personal life-habit of reading, learning, and expanding the understanding of the role of Armor in the United States Army. Given this extent of the material available, it is difficult to provide a definitive reading list that will prepare a soldier for a career in the Armor Force. Nonetheless, the reading list below illustrates the kinds of books and readings that can set you in the right direction.
Treat’em Rough!: the birth of American Armor 1917-20, by Dale E. Wilson
The War As I Saw It: 1918 Letters Of A Tank Corps Lieutenant
by Harvey Harris
The Tank Pioneers, by Kenneth Macksey
Forging the Thunderbolt, written in 1947 by M.H. Gillie
Patton’s Third Army, by Charles M. Province
Patton, by Ladislas Fargo
Tank Aces: from Blitzkrieg to the Gulf War, by George Forty
Tank Sergeant, by Ralph “Zippo” Zumbro
Armored Combat in Vietnam, by Gen. Donn A. Starry
Tanks for the Memories: an oral history of the 712th Tank Battalion from World War II, by Aaron C. Elson
King of the Killing Zone: the story of the M1 tank, America’s super tank, by Orr Kelly
Jane's Armour and Artillery: This is a very comprehensive reference book. Most post libraries will have this book (if not - ask them to order it). This book is generally for reference only and can not be checked out.
Jane’s Tank and Combat Vehicle Recognition Guide, by Christopher F. Foss.
World Encyclopedia of the Tank, by Christopher Chant